Friday, August 1, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (4)

(1) Rewrite tje sentences using short forms.
She is on business.---------.
He is a student.---------.
I am paul.--------.
You are late.------.
I am not married.----.
we are not from Barcelona.--------.
We are from Srilanka.-------.
She is not at school. --------.
They are not American.------.

(2) Put the correct form of be in the correct place. Use short forms where possible.

This mark.----.
They Spanish---.
I not an artist.---.
She thirty- five years old.-------.
He married?
What is your name?
Where you from?
(3) Write the country and thr nationality
Country nationality
Englang English
Japan ------.
----- indian.
----- french.
Korea -----.
----- American.

(4) complete the jobs and add a or an.
-- a c c - u - t -nt.
-- b-s-ne-sman.
-- l-wy-r.
-- d- c-t-or.
-- --gineer.
-- t--cher.

(5) complete the question with How, where or what.
----'s your name?
----old are you?
---- 's your job?
---- are you from?
--- do you spell your surname?
----'s your work number?

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