Monday, August 11, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (25)

Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable noun
Uncountable noun
An egg/ 2 eggs
An apple/ 3 apples
A book/ 4 books
A CD/ 5 CDs

1.We can use countable nouns in the singular or plural.
Have you got a cat? Do you like cats?

2. Uncountable nouns do not have a plural from.
Do you like classical musics?

3. there is /are:

(singular) There is a banana.
(plural) There are (5) oranges.
(uncountable)  There is  milk.

True or false?

a)There’s an apple.
b)There are a lot of grapes.
C)There are five sausage.
d) there’s a lot of toast.
e) there’s some tea.
f) There are six bread rolls.
g) there are no bananas.
h) there’s no yoghurt.

 Useful phrases for ‘ counting ’ food and drink.
Counting phrase
Most common examples
a piece of
cheese, toast, cake, fruit, meat
a slice of
cheese, toast, cake, bread, ham, meat
a bowl of
rice, cereal, pasta, noodles
a plate of
rice, pasta, noodles
a packet of
sweets, cigarettes, biscuits, butter
a bottle of
sauce, beer, wine, alcohol, water,
a spoonful of
sugar, oil
a cup of
tea, coffee, milk
a glass of
milk, orange juice, water
a jug of
water, milk, orange juice
a pot of 
yoghurt, jam, tea, coffee
a litre of
water, fruit juice
a kilogram of
meat, rice
a portion of
vegetable, fruit, rice, pasta, noodles, prawns

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