Tuesday, August 19, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (38)

Past simple questions (2)
1. Anna is a Sking Rachel about her last trip. Write the questions in A.
a)      When/ last go on a trip? When did you last go on a trip?
b)      Where /go?                  Where did you go?
c)      Who/ go/ with?           -----------------------
d)     How/get/ there?          -----------------------
e)       Why/go there?            ------------------------
f)       What/ think of it?        ------------------------
g)      What/do there?           ------------------------
h)      How long/stay there? ------------------------
2. Match the questions in A with the answered in B.
1.      It was fantastic.
2.      We got there by plane.
3.      Because one of my friends is French and she wanted us to come there.
4.      We went to Paris.
5.      We stayed there for four days.
6.      We climbed the Eiffel Tower and went to a nightclub in the evening.
7.      With some friends.
8.      A bout two months ago.

What I like to do
1. Listen to the six people talking about their favorite things. Match the answer to the questions.
a)      Who’s your favourite actress?
b)      When did you last go to a concert?
c)      Did you enjoy the film?
d)     What kind of music do you like?
e)      Do you like ballet?
f)       What was the last book you read?

Complete the questions below by filling in the gaps.
·         What kind of music ------- you like?
·         ----- you like classical music?
·         When ------- you last go to a concert?
·         Who ------ in the concern?
·         Who ------ your favourite singer or group?
·         When ------ you last buy a CD?
·         I like listening to(classical/pop/rock/jazz/----) music like.
·         Yes, I do/ No. I don’t.
·         I last went to concert-------------- ago.
·         ----------------------------
·         My favourite -------- is --------------.
·         I last bought a CD ----------------.
·         --- you like reading?
·         What kind of books----you like?
·         Who --- your favourite author?
·         When -----you last read a book?
·         Who --- it by.
·         ------ enjoy it?

·         Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
·         I like reading (fantasy/romantic/detective/---) books.
·         My favourite author is ---------
·         I last read a book ----------.
·         It was by ------------------.
·         Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

·         ---- you like going to the cinema?
·         What kind of films --- you like?
·         Who ------ your favorite actor/actress?
·         When----- you last go to the cinema?
·         What ---- you see?
·         ---- you enjoy it?
·         Who ----- in it?
·         Yes, I do./No, I don’t.
·         I like watching ( fantasy/ romantic/ action/ ---) film.
·         My favourite (actor/actress) is -----------.
·         I last went to cinema---------.
·         I saw -------------.
·         Yes. I did./ No, I didn’t.

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