Wednesday, August 27, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (48)

Pedro 26, city banker.going to: bussiness appointment
Dimitri, 22, tourist. Going to:The National Gallery.
Helen,32, accountant. Going to: the gym.
Camilla, 28. Going to: her best frend's wedding.
Mel,20, art student. Going to: collage.
trousers jeans sandals tights a hat a tie a coat a belt a skirt
a briefcase shorts a scarf boots trainers a jumper socks a jandbag golves
a dress earrings shoes a shirt a backpack ajacket a sportsbag a suit aT-shirt.

1.Who do you think wears the follwing ? listen and check.
a black and white hat  a hat that is 300 year old a white shirt leather trousers
black trousers very big shoes tights

2. Listen again answer the questions.
a)Why is Andy's uniform uncomfortable?
b) Why does he wear women's tights?
c) Do you think he likes his uniform?
d) Does Michelle like her uniform? why?
e) Which part of her uniform doesn't she like? why?
present simplr- We use the Present simple to talk about something that is always true.
laura comes from rome. I don't speak Russian, offten with words like normally, usually. sometimes, etc.
We oftwn watch a video on friday right.
Do yoy normally wake up early?
Present continuous- to talk about something that is happing now or arrong these pair of sentences. Don't phoning his girlfriend (=now)
Dan phones his girl friend about eight times a day.(=habit)
I'm reading a fantastic book at the moment.(=in the present period)
I read three or four books a week.(= habit)

3. Underline the correct tense for these qursrions.
1. Do you usually wear/ are you usually wearing smart or casual clothes at work?
2. What kind of clothes do you wear/ are you wearing today?
3. Do you wear/ are you wearing boots, trainers, sandals or shoes today?
4. What kind of shoes do you usually wear/ are you usually wearing ?
5. Do you usually wear/ are you usually wearing a watch?
6. Do you wear/ are you wearing socks when the weather's hot?
7. Do you often wear/ are you often wearing perfime or aftershave?
8. What's that smell? do you wear/ are youbwearing any perdume or aftershaving?
9.Do you ever wear/ are you ever wearing glasses?
10. Do you ever wear/ are you ever wearing a hat? why?

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