Monday, August 4, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (15)

Love and hate
1.      Complete the sentences using the verbs in the box.
Love        hates  goes    has   is   doesn’t have                    doesn’t watch

a.       Cameron Diaz doesn’t watch TV.
b.      She------ a TV in her home.
c.       Jonny Depp----- frightened of clowns.
d.      Harrison ford ------ doing housework.
e.       Dean Cain never--------- on plane.
f.       Britney Spears ------ hundreds of dolls.
g.      Woody Allen ------ lots of things.
2.      Complete the sentences with the missing verbs.
1.      He---- housework.
2.      She--- has dolls.
3.      She----TV.
4.      She---- a lot of dolls.
5.      He never----- on planes.
6.       He ------ flying.
7.       She ----- TV.
8.      He ----- dogs.
9.      He ---- crowds.
Grammar points
Present simple: posite and negative (he,she and it)
1.      In the he/she/it positive from of the oresent simple, we ad ‘s’ to the verb.
He loves chocolate. She hates dog. It opens at five o’clock.
The spell rules for he, she and it:
Most verbs
Add  s
Beth comes from the USA
Paul wants a new car.
Ends in a consonant+y
Change y to ies
This airline flies to Slovenia.
Ends in: ch, sh, s, x, z
Add es
Andrew watches a lot of videos.
 Fran finishes work at six.
Do and go
Add es
My manger goes home at eleven.
 Pat does all the housework.
He has breakfast at seven.

2.      We form the negative with doesn’t (=does not) + verb.
He doesn’t eat meat. NOT: he doesn’t eat.
She doesn’t like coffee. It doesn’t open on Sunday.
Likes dogs
Loves chocolate.
Doesn’t like(= does not like) my
Doesn’t eat(=does not eat) fish.
The present simple is used to talk about something that happens a lot, espally your habits and everyday life. It is also used to talk permanent situations or general truths.
Activities: Do you like----?

Cats         computer    games    cooking    cycling       driving
reading     running    salad       swimming

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