Friday, August 15, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (34)

Task: Tell your life story
Preparation: listening
1. Marlene is a singer, from Swansea in Wales. Look at the pictures showing her life story. What can you see?
2. listen to Marlene talking about her life. Which picture relates to each extract?
Extract A= picture ----
Extract B= picture ----
Extract C= picture ----
Extract D= picture ----
Extract E= picture ----
Extract F= picture ----

Task: speaking
1 Draw six simple pictures for different times in your life and think about what to say about eatch picture.
(Baby picture)
(Television  picture)
( School picture)

2. work in pairs. Tell each other about your life story using your pictures/ note to help you.
3. Choose three tings to tell the class about your partner’s life story.
Useful language
I was born in (1987).
I went to school in (Warsaw) .
As a child I loved ( playing tennis).
When I was ( thirteen), I become interested in (photography).
I left school when I was (seventeen).
I studied (maths) at University.
I graduated in (2002).
I got a job with (a large company).
I went to work in (Tokyo).
I got married in (1999).
In (1995) I started work (as a receptionist).

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