Friday, August 1, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (11)

Life in my country
Grammar: Complete gaps
+                                                                                                                      -
live in a house.
go to work at about 9:00
have a lunch in a cafe.
Start school at about 9:00
don’t have a big lunch.
----work in an office.
----live in a flat.
----go to school.

1.      Use the positive or negative form and correct information where necessary.
a)      Most people ----------- (live) in flats. They live in house.
b)      Restaurants ------(close) at eleven or twelve in the evening.
c)      Most office worker---- (start) work at 9:00.
d)     Most people -----(go) go home for lunch.
e)      Most people -----( have) a big meal at lunch time.
f)       Children ------( go) to school in the morning.
g)      Most young people --------(leave) school at eighteen.
h)      Most shops -----(stay) open twenty-four hours.
i)        Most people-----(have) swimming pools.

2.      Work in pairs. Ask questions and give full answers.
Do you-------
Live in a temple?
Have lunch at home?
Eat a lot of meal?
Go to restaurant a lot?
Have a swimming pool in your garden?
Have a big meal in the evening?
Drink a lot of coffee?
Study a lot of at the weekend?
Work in an office?

I don’t have lunch at home. I have lunch in a cafe.

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