Monday, August 18, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (35)

1. Read the texts on the walles to complete the sentences below.
1. walt Disney made his first long first long film in 19----
2. Titanic cost $ ---------  million to make.
3. Charlie Chaplin was born in ---------
4. in --------- , they make about 850 films every year.
5.Titanic won --------- Oscars.
6. last year, Tom cruise earned $--------------
7. Tom Story appeared in 19-------
8. The average Lebanese person goes to the cinema ------------ times every year.
9. There are ------ film of the story of Robin Hood.
10. The Lumiere brothers showed the first film in a ---------- in Paris in -------

Name of film
 Type of filn
The lion king

The ring

High school Musical

The Expendables

I, Robot

Mr. Bean Goes on holiday


Walk to remember

Post simple negative forms
1) look at the verbs below. Fine the past simple of these verbs. Which are irregular?
Sleep                                                              create                                                          follow give                            find                                         drink                               fall in love

2) There are mistakes in the descriptions of the films below. Can you find them?
A) Dracula was a vampire who lived in a castle in Poland. He always  
Slept during the day, but at night he became a vampire and drank Vodka.
(2 mistakes)
b) Alice followed a white cat down a hole and had lots of adventures.
(1 mistake)
c) Robin Hood lived in a forest in China. He took money from rich people and give it to his girlfriend, Maid marion.
(2 mostakes)
d) Dr. Frankenstein created a monster. The monster was very handsome and people love it.
(2 mistakes)
e) Romeo and Juliet were forty years old. Their families hated each other, but Romeo and Juliet fell in love and got married . Their familes were very pleased and Romeo and Juliet lived happily every after.
(3 mistakes)
Language focus
I/we/you/they/ he/she/it
Didn’t (did not)
Start                    come
At 10:00.                   to the park.

We use didn’t+ the base from of the verb.
Regular and irregular verbs are the same.
She didn’t go shopping. NOT: she didn’t went shopping.
3) write sentence correcting the mistakes about the films.
E.g. Dracula didn’t live in Poland, he lived in Transylvania. He didn’t drink vodka, he drank.

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