Monday, September 1, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (53)

1. read what three people say about pets. Who do you agree with?
“ We all love animals in my family- we’ve got a cat, a dog  and a rabbit. People think that dogs don’t like cats, but our dog’s really friendly to the cat and the rabbit – it’s really sweet.” – jack,8.
“ I love dogs, especially big dogs, but I haven’t got one because I think it’s cruel to keep big dogs in flats. The dog in the flat next door to me is really unhappy- it just walks up and down the balcony all day when the owners are at work. It’s really sad.” - Alex, 31.
“ I don’t really like animals much, especially cats. I hate cats. I hate the way they rub against your legs- ugh!”     - paula. 23
1. We use a/an to talk about things for the first time or when we don’t know which one.
             We’ve got a dog, a cat and a rabbit.
2. We use the to talk about specific things, or when we know which one.
           Our dog’s really friendly to the cat and the rabbit.
             The dog in the flat next door is really unhappuy.
3, We use no article to talk about things in general.
             Dogs don’t like cats.
2. complete the gaps with a/the/- (no word)
A: So, do you like ---- animals?
B: yes, I love all ----- animal! How about you?
A: I like most----- animals but I don’t like ------- cats.
B: Really? Have you got any ------- pets?
A: Yes, I’ve got ------- dog.
B: What’s -----dog’s name?
A: His name is ---------- Casey. What about you? Have you got --- pet?
B: Yes, I’ve got -----rabbit. We keep he in ---- cage in --------garden.
A:What’s the rabbit’s name?
B:Her name is ------- Clover. She is soft and white.
A: Hmmm, When I was --- child we had --- rabbit, but I had to give it away---My mum is allergic to ---- rabbits.
B:Really? That’s annoying----.
3. do you like animals ? Have you got any pets? Discuss with your partner.

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