Tuesday, September 2, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (54)

How to ask the questions:
1. ----------- did you invent last week?
2.---------- did you win on the lottery there months ago?
3. --------- did you become the president of your country?
4. --------- did you live on a boat?
5. -------- countries did you visit last year?
6. -------- do you sell one of your paintings?
7. -------- do you run every day?
8. -------- can you swim 100 mertres?
9. -------- languages can you speak?
10. ------ films do you make?
Dinner party guests
1. ---------- is an inventor. He/she invented a --------- last week.
2. ---------- is a millionaire. He/she won ---------- on the lottery three months ago.
3. --------- is a politician. He /she become president of his/her country in 19-------.
4. ---------- is a sailor. He/she live on his/her boat for ---------years.
5. --------- is a diplomat. He /she visited --------- countries last year.
6. -------- is a marathon runner. He /she runs -------- kilometres every day.
7. -------- is an artist. He /she sells one of his/her patings every year.
8. ---------is an Olympic swimmer. He /she can swim 100 metres in ------ seconds.
9---------- is a translator. He /she can speak----------, ----------and ----------.
10. --------- is a film director. He /she makes ---------- films.
What---?           When--?              What kind of ---?                        which---?            How long ---?                                                   How often ---? How much ---?            How many---?                How far---?              How fast ---?

How do you spend your weekends?
Work and Rest
At the weekend, do you ever:
·         Work or study?
·         Do the housework or the shopping.
·         Stay in the bed until lunchtime?
·         Stay at home and just relax?
Sport and exercise
How often do you:
·         Go to the gym or go swimming?
·         Go for a long walk.
·         Play football or another game?
·         Watch sport on the TV?
Social life
·         How often do you:
·         Go out for a meal?
·         See realatives?
·         Have a party or barbecue at your house?
·         Go out with a group of friends to a bar or a club?
Do you ever:
·         Go to a concert?
·         Go to an exhibition or museum?
·         Go to the cinema or theatre?
·         Read a book?
Going a way for the weekend
Do you ever:
·         Go away on business for the weekend?
·         Visit relatives in another part of the ountry?
·         Go to the country or to the beach?
·         Spend the weekend in another city?

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