Tuesday, September 9, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (62)

Read the college brochure and fill in the table below:
Name if course
Possible career
Part time
Course duration/other information
Information technology
For business or industry
F.T= 1 year (20hrs/wk)
P.T=6months (various days)


Sports Studies

Performing Arts

Fashion Design

2. Work in threes. Read about your student and then tell the other two people in your group about what your student wants to study.
3. a) Decide which course each student should choose.
b) Use the useful language below to compare your ideas with other people.
Useful Language
Explaining your ideas
I think the best course for (Gaby) is ---
(Oliver) will/might choose ---because (s) he likes---
Taka might enjoy the --- course
Agreeing and disagreeing
Yes, you’re right.
I agree with you.
I don’t agree because---
Yes, but-----

Might and will
1. Read the statements. Do you agree?
1. people won’t learn Sanskrit any more in a few years.
2. In a few years, everyone will speak English.
3.English might not be the global language in a hundres years’ time- it might bechinese instead.
4. In the next hundred years many smaller languages will disappear.
2. Look at the verbs in the sentences above. Which verb means that the speaker:
a) is sure this will happen?                  C) that may be this will not happen?
b) thinks that maybe this will happen? d) is sure that this will not happen?
We use might (not) and will (won’t) to say that something is possible or probable in the future.
Might not
Won’t (=will not )

Go to university. ( you think this will happen)
Go to university. (you think it’s possible)
Go to university. ( you think it’s less possible)
Go to university. ( you think this will not happen)
Remmber: We don’t use to after might and will. It might rain. Not: It might to rain.
3.practice:  Complete the sentences with will (or won’t) or might (not) to make them true in your opinion.
a)      In ten years people----- live on other planets.
b)      One day people ------ go on holiday on the moon.
c)      Flying ------ become cheaper in the future.
d)     People in the future ------ live in cities under the sea,
e)      There ----- be more wars in the future.
f)       In twenty years’ time, there ----- be more traffic than now.
g)      Our children and grandchildren ----- live until they are over a hundred.
4. Complete the sentence to talk about your future. (Thank about: holidays, learning languages, marriage, children, money, etc.)
a)      Next holiday, I might------.
b)      Next year, I might ---------.
c)      In ten years’ time, I might-----.
d)     I might never------.
e)      I’ll definitely never ------.
f)       One day, I hope I’ll ------.
g)      When I’m sixty-five, I’ll probably-----.

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