Wednesday, September 17, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (75)

Following Directions
2. listen and complete the sentences.
1.         A: excuse me, is the National gallery --------------?
            B:Yes, it’s over there-------------- look.
            A: Oh, thank you very much.
2.         A: excuse me, but --------------post office?
            B:It’s very --------------. Go --------------and it’s on --------------,it’s --------------metres.
3.         A: sorry, but -------------- to the river.
            B: Yes, take -------------- over there, can you see it?
            A: Yes.
            B: well -------------- for about a hundres metres and you’re there.
            A: Oh great, thanks.
4.         A: Where’s the nearest cashpoint please?
            B: Can you see the statue over there?
            A: Yeah.
            B: go past the statue and take -------------- on --------------and there’s a bank on the left with a cashpoint there.
            A: fanatatic, thank you.
            B: You’re welcome.
3. Can you follow directions?
a) for each set of directions say which place you will finally come to.
1. Go out of the town hall. Turn left. Take the first street on your left. Walk 100m. Turn left at the junction. Follow the road. When you come to the end of the road, you are there!
2. Go out of  the Apollo theatre. Turn right. At the end of the road turn right. Walk 100m. take the first road on your left. Walk 100m. when you come to the end of the road, you will see a big modern building in front of you. Cross the road and you’re there! --------------
3. Go out of the car park and turn right. Take the first left. Take the next right. You will pass the Art collage on your left. Follow the main road which benchs slightly to the left and the place you want is on your left. --------------
4. Go under the bridge and walk for about 100m. take the first road on the right. Go straight on and walk past the junction. At the end of the road turn right . take the first right and the building you want is on your left. --------------
b) Work in pairs. Practise giving and following directions using the map.

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