Saturday, September 6, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (60)

1. learning for the future
Read the sentences and fill in the missing letters of the subjects.
1. I’m interesting in how governments run their countries, so I would like to study pol- - - - s.
2. I’d like to do a course in mana- - - - -  - because I’m good at dealing with people and organizing activities.
3. I love studying sci- - - - and doing experiments.
4. I’m like to interested in the past, so I’m not going to study hi - - - - -.
5. I enjoy reading books so I might study liter- - - - -.
6. I want to help with the family business, so I’m going to study b - - - - - - - s- - - - -  -.
7. I’d like to do a course in lang - - - - - because I like travelling and meeting new people.
8. I want to know how to get rich so I’m going to study eco- - - - - -.
9. If you want to be a judge, you will have to study l- -.
10. I like making new clothes and drawing, so I might study d - - - - -.
11. I want to help sick people so I would like to study med- - - - - .
12. I like using computers, programming and the internet. I’m going to study infor - - - - - teach - - - - - -.
13. Geog- - - - - is a really useful subject if you want to learn about the people and world around you.
14. I’m not very good with numbers. I’m not going to study m - - - -.
15. I love building things and improving their designs, so I’m going to study eng- - - - - - - -.
2. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
a) When did you start primary a school? When did you go to secondary school? Which did you like best ? why?
b) What are your best subjects  at school ? Which were your worst?
c) Are you doing any courses at the moment ( apart from this one)?
d) Is there anything that you would really like to study?
e) Are you taking any exams this year? Do you think you will pass or fail ? why?
f) is if difficult to get into university and get a degree in your country? Which courses are the most difficult to get on?
g) Is it easy or difficult to get a job at the moment? Are many people unemployed?
h) if you apply for a job in your country, do you have normally interview? What happen?
i) which careers most popular with men/woman?
j) Which professions earn the most money? Is money important to you in choosing a career?
k) What else do you look for in a career? Do you haave an ‘ideal’ job?
 Listen to four people talking about their careers. Which subjects and jobs did each person mention?


Vichi, 36


Josh, 15

4. works in pairs. Who---
1) railed all his exams at school?
2) learnt French at primary school?
3) worked for a big finance company?
4) is going to Lisbon soon?
5) want to do a career that is very difficult to get into?
Infinitive of purpose
1. Match the two parts of the sentences. Which people do they describe?
1. He wants back to college                            to study Portuguese.
2. she stopped work                                        to get some qualifications.
3. He’s writing for his a school magazine       to look after her children.
4. She’s going to Lisbon                                 to get some experience.
We use infinitives to show why we do something.
I’m studying English to get a better job. ( = because I want to get a better job)
She wants to the bank to  change some money. (= because she wanted to change some money)

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