Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Dhammapada ဓမၼပဒဘာသာျပန္ ၁း၇

Anikkasāvo kāsāvaṁ
Yo votthaṁ paridahessati
Apeto dama saccena
Nasokāsāvam arahati 9
Yoca vantakasāv’ assa
Silesu susamāhito
Upeto dama saccena
Sa ve kāsāvam arahati 10
He wo is stained (with defilements) without self-control and truthfulness, is not worthy of wearing the yellow robes. 9
He who is purged of all stained, is well-established in morals and endowed with self-cotrol and truth-fulness, is indeed worthy of the yellow robe. 10
1:7 Who is worthy to receive the yellow robe ?
Once, the two chief disciples, the venerable Sāriputta and Venerable Moggallāna, went from Sāvatthi to Rājagaha. There, the people of Rājagaha invited them, with the other bikkhus, to morning meal. On that occasion some hand over a very valuable piece of cloth to the organizer of the almsgiving ceremony. He instructed them to sell it should there be any shortage of found. If there was no shortage, there were to offer it to any one of the bhikkhus they considered deserving of it. It also happened to one of the monks. Since the two chief disciples visited Rājagaha only occasionally, the people though that it would be more appropriate to offer the cloth to Venerable Devadatta as he was a resident of Rājagaha. Thus they made the mistake of offering the cloth to Devadatta.
Devadatta promptly made the cloth into a robe and started wearing it. Then, acertain bikkhu form Rājagaha to Sāvatthi to pay homage to the Buddha, and told him about Devadatta and the robe. The Buddha then said that it was not first time that Devadatta was wearing robe that he did not deserve. The Buddha then related the following story:
Devadatta was an elephant hunter in one of his previous existences. At that time, in a certain forest, there lived a large number of elephants. One day, the hunter noticed that these elephants knelt down to a paccekabuddha on seeing him. Having observed that, the hunter stole the upper part of a yellow robe and covered his body and a hand with it. Then, holding a spear in his hand, he waited for the elephants on their usual route. The elephants came, and mistaking him for a piccekabuddha paid their respects and easily fell prey to the hunter. Thus, one by one, he killed the elephants.
The Bodhisatta( the Buddha-to-be ) who was born as an elephant in the group, was the leader of the herd. Noticing the dwindling number of his heard he decided to investigate and followed his herd at the end of the line. He was alert , and wss therefore able to evade the spear. He caught hold of hunter in his trunk and was about to dash him against the ground. When he saw the yellow robe however, he desisted and spared the life on hunter.
The hunter was wrong in trying to kill under cover of the yellow robe and for committing such an act of depravity. The hunter clearly should not have put on the yellow robe.
By revealing this story, the Buddha explained how Devadatta had misused the yellow robe even in one of his previous births.
စင္ၾကယ္မွဳဟာ သကၤန္းနဲ႔ထုိက္တန္တယ္ မစင္ၾကယ္မွဳဟာ သကၤန္းနဲ႔ မထုိက္တန္ဘူူး
အနိကၠာသာေဝါ ကာသာဝံ
ေယာဝတၳံ ပရိဒဟိႆတိ
နေသာကာသာဝ မရဟတိ ၉
ေယာ စ ဝႏၱကာသာဝႆ
သီေလသု သုသမာဟိေတာ
ဥေပေတာ ဒမသေစၥန
သေဝကာသာဝ မရဟတိ။ ၁၀
ကိေလသာအညစ္အေၾကး အစြန္းအထင္းရွိသူ၊
မိမိကုိယ္ကုိ ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္ႏုိင္မွဳ မရိွသူ၊
မွန္ကန္စြာေျပာဆုိမွဳ မရွိသူ အား
သကၤန္းကုိ ဝတ္ရုံျခင္းငွါ မထုိက္တန္။ ၉
ကိေလသာအညစ္အေၾကး အားလုံးကုိ သန္႔စင္ထားသူ၊
ကုိယ္က်င့္သီလကုိ ေကာင္းမြန္စြာ တည္ေဆာက္ထားသူ၊
မိမိကုိယ္ကုိ ထိန္းခ်ဳပ္မွဳနဲ႔ ျပည့္စုံသူ၊
မွန္ကန္စြာေျပာဆုိျခင္းရွိသူ အား
အမွန္စင္စစ္ သကၤန္းနဲ႔ထုိက္တန္၏။ ၁၀
၁း၇ ဘယ္သူ ဟာ သကၤန္းကုိ လက္ခံဖုိ႔ ထုိက္တန္သလဲ
တစ္ခါက အရွင္သာရိပုတၱရာ နဲ႕ အရွင္ေမာဂၢလာန တပည့္သာဝကၾကီး ၂ ပါးတုိ႔ဟာ သာဝတၳိကေန ရာဇျဂိဳဟ္ ကုိ သြားခဲ့တယ္။
အဲဒီမွာ ရာဇျဂိဳဟ္ျမိဳ႔သူျမိဳ႕သားေတြက အျခားရဟန္းမ်ားနဲ႔အတူ သူတုိ႔ကုိ အာရုဏ္ဆြမ္းအတြက္ ပင့္ဖိတ္ၾကတယ္။
အဲဒီအခ်ိန္က ဆြမ္းေကြ်းျခင္းအခမ္းအနား စီစဥ္သူကုိ တစ္ခ်ိဳ႕က အလြန္အဖုိးတန္တဲ့ အဝတ္အပုိင္းအစတစ္ခုကုိ လွဴၾကတယ္။
သူက ျပတ္လပ္တာတစ္စုံတစ္ခုေတြ႕ရင္ အဲဒါကုိ ေရာင္းဖုိ႔ မွာၾကားတယ္။
ျပတ္လပ္တာ မရွိရင္ အဲဒါနဲ႔ထုိက္တန္တယ္လုိ႔ သူတုိ႔ယူဆတဲ့ ရဟန္းတစ္ပါးကုိ ေပးလွဴရပါတယ္။
ျပတ္လပ္တာတစ္ခုမွ မရွိ လုိ႔ အဝတ္ကို ရဟန္းတစ္ပါး ေပးလွဴရဖုိ႔ အျဖစ္အပ်က္နဲ႔ၾကဳံပါတယ္။
တစ္ခါတစ္ရံမွသာ တပည့္အၾကီး ႏွစ္ပါးဟာ ရာဇျဂိဳဟ္ကို အလည္လာတာေၾကာင့္ ရာဇျဂိဳဟ္မွာ အျမဲေနတဲ့ အရွင္ေဒဝဒတ္ကုိ အဝတ္ လွဴဖုိ႔ ပုိသင့္ေလွ်ာ္လိမ့္မယ္လုိ႔ လူေတြက စဥ္းစားၾကပါတယ္။
သုိ႔ျဖင့္ သူတုိ႔ဟာ ရွင္ေဒဝဒတ္ကုိ အဝတ္ မွားလွဴမိပါတယ္။.
ေဒဝဒတ္ဟာ ခ်က္ခ်င္း အဝတ္စ ကုိ သကၤန္းခ်ဳပ္ျပီး စတင္ဝတ္ဆင္ပါတယ္။
ေနာက္ ရာဇျဂိဳဟ္ကေန သာဝတၳိကုိ ဗုဒၶကုိဖူးေမွ်ာ္ဖုိ႔သြားတဲ့ ရဟန္းတစ္ပါးက ေဒဝဒတ္ နဲ႔ သကၤန္းနဲ႔ ပတ္သက္လုိ႔ ဗုဒၶကုိ ေလွ်ာက္ပါတယ္။
ေနာက္ ဗုဒၶက ေဒဝဒတၱဟာ သူနဲ႔ မထုိက္တန္တဲ့သကၤန္းကုိ ဝတ္ရုံတာ ပထမအၾကိမ္ မဟုတ္ဘူးလုိ႔ မိန္႔ပါတယ္။
ေနာက္ ဗုဒၶက ေအာက္ပါဇာတ္လမ္းကုိ ျပန္ေျပာျပပါတယ္
လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ဘဝတစ္ခုမွာ ေဒဝဒတ္ဟာ ဆင္မုဆုိးတစ္ေယာက္ ျဖစ္ခဲ့တယ္။
အဲဒီအခ်ိန္မွာ ေတာအုပ္တစ္ခုမွာ ေနထုိင္တဲ့ ဆင္မ်ားရွိၾကပါတယ္။
တစ္ေန႔ ဆင္မ်ားဟာ ပေစၥကဗုဒၶ တစ္ပါးကုိ ျမင္ရင္ ဒူးေထာက္တယ္ဆုိတာကုိ မုဆုိးက သတိထားမိတယ္။
အဲဒါကုိ ေလ့လာရင္း မုဆုိးဟာ အေပၚဝတ္သကၤန္းကုိ ခုိးယူျပီး သူရဲ႕လက္နဲ႔ ခႏၶာကုိယ္ကုိ ဖုံးလႊမ္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။
ေနာက္ လွံတစ္ေခ်ာင္းကုိ သူ႔လက္ထဲမွာ ကုိင္ထားရင္း ဆင္ေတြရဲ႕ပုံမွန္သြားေနတ့ဲ လမ္းေၾကာင္းကေန ဆင္ေတြကို ေစာင့္ေနပါတယ္။
ဆင္မ်ားဟာ လာျပီး ပေစၥကဗုဒၶတပါးနဲ႔ မွားကာ သူ႔ကုိ အရုိအေသေပးၾကပါတယ္။ လြယ္လြယ္ကူကူနဲ႔ သူတုိ႔ဟာ မုဆုိးရဲ႕ သားေကာင္ျဖစ္သြားပါတယ္။
ဒီနည္းနဲ႔ တစ္ေကာင္ျပီး တစ္ေကာင္ သူဟာ ဆင္မ်ားကုိ သတ္ပါတယ္။
အဖြဲ႔ထဲမွာ ဆင္တစ္ေကာင္အျဖစ္ ျပန္လည္ေမြးဖြားသူ ေဗာဓိသတၱ (ဘုရားျဖစ္မယ့္သူ)ဟာ ဆင္အုပ္စုရဲ႕ ေခါင္းေဆာင္ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
သူ႔ဆင္အုပ္စု တစ္ဆတစ္ဆေလွ်ာ့ပါးတာကုိ သတိထားမိကာ စုံစမ္းဖုိ႔ဆုံးျဖတ္ျပီး သူဟာဆင္အုပ္စုရဲ႕ ေနာက္ဆုံးကေန လုိက္ပါတယ္။
သူဟာသတိထားမိတာေၾကာင့္ လွံကုိ ေရွာင္ႏုိင္ခဲ့ပါတယ္။
သူဟာ သူ႔ရဲ႕ႏွာေမာင္းနဲ႔ မုဆုိးကုိ ဖမ္းလုိက္ျပီး ေျမၾကီးမွာ ကုိင္ေပါက္မလုိ႔ဆဲဆဲမွာ။
ဒါေပမယ့္ သူဟာ သကၤန္းကုိ ျမင္တဲ့အခါ သူဟာလႊတ္လုိက္ျပီး မုဆုိးကုိ အသက္ခ်မ္းသာေပးလုိက္ပါတယ္။
သတ္ဖို႔ နဲ႔ ထုိကဲ့သုိ႔ ယုတ္မာေသာ အလုပ္တစ္ခုကုိ လြန္က်ဴးဖုိ႔ အတြက္ သကၤန္းဖုံးလႊမ္းမွဳေအာက္မွာ(သကၤန္းဝတ္ျပီး) ၾကိဳးစားျခင္းဟာ မုဆုိးရဲ႕ အမွားျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
မုဆုိးဟာ သကၤန္းကုိ မဝတ္သင့္ပါဘူး။
ဒီဇာတ္ေတာ္ကုိ ထုတ္ေဖာ္မိန္႔ၾကားျခင္းျဖင့္ ေဒဝဒတ္ဟာ ဘဝတစ္ခုမွာပင္ သကၤန္းကုိ လြဲမွားစြာ အသုံးျပဳခဲ့ပုံကုိ ဗုဒၶက ရွင္းျပပါတယ္။

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