Friday, August 1, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (6)

Have got
we use `have got', when we want to talk about something we own,something we have in our possession or relationships. here are some exmples of using of havegot in sentences.

I 've got one brother.
He's/ she's got his/ her credit card.
we've/they've got the bag.

I have'nt got my watch with me.
He/She has'nt got his/her money.
We/They haven't got the keys.

Have you got a phone card?
Has she/he got her/ his camera?
Have we/they got the photos?

Have you got any stamp?
Has she got any sweets?
Have the got any podtcard?

1.Complete the gaps with correct from of have got.
a)I think her parents are rich. they---four houses.
b) Sorry, I----a pen with me.
c)We----a cat. His name is Alfie.
d) Peter's from a very big family. He ----five sisters.
e) ------you ----your cheque book with you?
`No, but I -----my ctedid card'.
f) -----your brother got a new motorbike?

2.Match the questions with answers. then complete the gaps.
a) ---you got a mobile? It's a NOKIA.
b) How old---it? It's blak.
c) What colour is it? Yes, I have.
d) What make.---it? It's about two years old.

3. work in paird. Use some of the questions above to ask about these things:
Car, piano, mobile phone, compiter, camera,TV,motorbike, mp3 player, watch.

My favourite thing

1. What are Andrew, Gerald and Sarah's favourite things?

Andrew- `` This is my car and I love it! It's Aston Martin and it's my favourite colour, red. It's really fast and really comfortable.It's about five years old and it's got a fanatastic CD player- It's just great."

Gerald -`` My favourite thing isn't really a thing, It's our pet dog, Tizer. We've got three dogs in our family, but Tizer's my favourite.He's black and brown and he's got beautiful eyes. He's an Alsatian and he's three years old. He isn't very friendly with other people, but he loves me!"

Sarah- ``My favourite thing is my computer-my laptop. It's about three years old. It's a toshiba and it's grey. It's got everything I want- e-mail, the internet, a DVD player amd it's got some really good games on it. I love my laptop.

2. The following questions and answers are about the yexts above. Complete the gaps.with the missing words.

1.Q: What has Andrew got? A:He---got an ---.
2.Q: How old is it? A:It's -----?
3.Q: Is it orange? A:----
4.Q: ----Gerald got a cat? A: No, he---.----.
5.Q: what breed is it ? A: It’s -----------------------
6.Q: What -----the dog’s name? A:----------------
7. Q: how old ---Tizer? A:---------------------------
8. Q: Has Sarah got a laptop? A:------------------
9. Q: What make -------it? A: It’s-------------- --
10. Q: ---------it got a DVD player? A:-----------

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