Friday, August 1, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (7)

Family relations
Complete the table with the missing family titles.
Male female both
Husband spouse(s)
Sister sibling (s)
+ + cousin(s)
Daughter child/children

Family crossed
1 * * * * * * *
2 * * * * *
3* * * * *
4* * * *
5* * * * * * * * * *
6* * * * * *
7* * * * * * * * * *
8* * * * * * * *
9* * * * * * * * * * *

1. Your mother and father are your ---------
2. Your brother’s daughter is your -----------
3. Your mother’s brother is Your-------------
4. Your mother’s sitter is Your ----------------
5. Your mother’s father is Your---------------
6. Your aunt’s son is Your----------------------
7. Your father’s mother -----------------------
8. Your sons and daughters are your-------
9. Your parent’s parents are Your ---------

(a) Describing your family (b) Asking questions
I’ve got (two sisters/ five cousins). Who’s this?
This is my (niece/ uncle). How old is (Karina)?
She’s (five) years old. What’s (your uncle’s) job?
His wife’s name’s (Sara).
Their names are (Anne and Ben)

Possessive ‘s and of
1. We use a person +’s for possession.
Jane’s brother. NOT the brother of Jane.
Patick’s computer.
His friend’s car.
My father’s name.

2. If the first noun is plural, the apostrophe comes after the ‘ s’:
My parents’ house.(= two parents)
The teachers’ room.(=many teacher)

3. We usually use ‘ of’ before things or places.
A picture of a car. NOT: a car’s a picture.
The Queen of England NOT: England’s Queen.
The tower of London . NOT: London’s Tower.
Practice: add an apostrophe and the letter s if needed.
1. Karens mobile is pink.
2. Peter car is red.
3. My sisters names are Anushka and Udara.
4. My brother has got a lot of sweets.
5. I’m going to have lunch at Martha house.
6. Our students books are white.
7. The president of the USA owns five cars.

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