Saturday, August 23, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (44)

Superlative Quiz
1. complete the questions with superlative adjectives. Choose the answers. Listen and check.
1. Where is ----------- (tall) hotel in the word?
a) Dubil           b)Bankok        c) Hong Kong,
2. Who is ----------- (rich) person in the word?
a) Bill Gates    b) The Sultan of Brunei          c) Ingvar Kamprad, head of IKEA.
3. Which  is ----------- (expensive) city in the word to buy a house or a flat?
a) Tokyo          b) London                   c) Vienna.
4. Where is ----------- (old) university in the word?
a) Bologna       b) Karueein                 c) Oxford.
5. What was ----------- (successful) European football club in the twentieth century?
a) Bologna       b) Real Madrid            c) Manchter United.
6. Where is ----------- (hight) twon of city in the world ?
a) Cuzco Munich         b) La Paz, in Bolivia   c) Lhasa in Tibet.
7. What is ----------- (common) word in the English language.
a) a      b)  to                c) the
8. Who were ----------- (popular) group in the twentieth centuary?
a) the Rolling Stones   b) the Eagles   d) the Beatles
Shops and  shopping
1. Work in pairs. Read the words in bold and discuss what they mean.
a) Where can you take your clothes when they’re dirty? A dry- cleaner’s
b) Where can you have a haircut?-------------
c) where do they sell cakes and bread? -----------
d) where can you go for new for new jeans?
e) where can you get a present for a friend?
f) where do you post letters and parcels?
g) where can you buy sausage?
h) where can you find everything ( food, drink, newspapers and magazine) in one small shop?
i) Where can you buy toothpaste and medicine?

2. Use the answers in the box below and match them with the correct questions a bove.

A clothes shop             a pharmacy            a dry-cleaner’s            a butcher’s a      hairdresser’s
A post office                         a bakery                      a local shop                      a gift shop

3. Say one more thing you can buy or do in each shop. ( at a dry-cleaner’s, you can get your shirts ironed)
4. Match the questions in A with the answers in B.
A                                                         B
1. Do you take credit card? g.                        a) It’s on the ground floor.
2. Have you got this in a medium?     b) It’s £ 25
3.  Do you sell diaries?                        c) This one?
4. Which floor is that ?                       d) At eight o’clock.
5. How much it                                   e) Yes, there’s a restaurant on the fourth floor.
6. Can I have one of those, please?    f) let me check for you?
7. What time does the store closes?    g) Yes, Visa or Mastercard.
8. Is there a restaurant of café here?   h) No, we don’t. Try the stationary depertment.

Useful language
a) Giving you ideas
I think (a doll) is a good souventir ( for Anna/ from Germany). (Thailand ) is famous for ( silk) so ----
I think the best thing to buy is  a  (silk scarf).
How about ( a book)?
b) Discussing
What do you think?
I think a ( CD ) is better because -------
Yes, that’s a good idea.
Yes, but------

Which souvenir?
Work in small groups. Decide the best souvenir for each person.
a) Mark and lena got married last year and they moved into a new house last month.
b) Tom is married and has two children. He loves music and his wife loves interesting clothes. His daughter is eight and his son is five years old.
c) Amy loves cooking and inviting her friend to her house for dinner.
d) David is a businessman and is usually stressed. He needs to relax in the evenings.
e) Roberto enjoys reading and going to the theatre.
f) Adriana is a 24 year-old Italian.

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