Saturday, August 23, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (43)

Modules 7&8 test
1. was and were : Complete the with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
a) There  were four English men. Who ---------they?
b) She --------- a writer. What ----- her job?
c) How many politicians ----- there?
d) --------there anyone from Russia?
e) There ---------- any Ialian composers but there ------- one from German. Who ------- he?

2. Dates: Write the dates, years, decades or centuries in words.
a) The Atens Olympic Game were in two thousand and four (2004).
b) The film director Steven Spielberg was born in ------------- (1946)
c)  Christmas Day is on the ----------- (date: 25/12)
d) The American comedy Friends was popular in the --------------- (decade: 1990-1999)
e) The ecomomist Karl Marx lived in the ------------------century  (1800-1899).
3. Past simple: Write the past from of the verbs.
a) arrive arrived                       f) have---------              k) get---------
b) go---------                 g) want---------             l) decide---------
c) make---------                        h) become ---------       m) take---------
e) fall ---------               i) leave                         n) die---------

4. Past time phrase: put a word from the box in the correct place in the sentences.
Were                  ago                           last                           when                    yesterday            in           on

a) I went to Sao Paolo +when  I was twenty.
b) She came to spain ----- 2003.
c) My birthday is ----May the 16th .
d) I telephoned Jim ------ morning.
e) We were in class toghter -------- year.
f) We took the photograph when we ---- on holiday.
g) The concert started ----------- two hours.
5. Arranging a night out: put the words in the correct order.
PARAS: on Saturday/ you/ go to/ want to/ the cinema/ Do?
JOE: a good idea! What’s on?
PARAS: Bollywood/new/ There’s/ a/ musical.
JOE: OK./ cinema/ eight/ meet/ the/ Let’s/ outside/ at.
6. Past simple negatives: Complete the sentences about your country 200 years ago with a suitable verb in the negative.
a) people didn’t play computer games.            d)people -------- hamburgrs.
b) People --------- pop music.                           e) people ------- television.
c) people --------- drive cars.                            f) people ------- jeans.
7. Past simple questions: Complete questions for these answers by adding a suitable verb and one of the following question words.
Who                Where        What             What                        How                                       Where

a) I last went on holiday in August. When did you last go on holiday.
b) I went to Paris. ------did you -------------?
c) I went with my sister. ------did you -------------with?
d) We climbed the Efiffel Tower. ------did you -------------there?
e) I go there by plane. ------did you ------------- there?
f) I thougt it was fantastic. ------did you ------------- of it?

8. Describing films: complete the words to make films and adjectives.
a) A c a r t o o n is  usually e n j o y a b l e.
b) A h – r o –  film is always f –  I g h –   e – I – g.
c) A c – m – d – is   f –n – y.
d) A l – v –      s –o r– is  r –m – n t –c.
e) A m – s – c –l has often got a s –l –y story.
f) An a – t –o  – film can be very v – o – e n –.

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