Thursday, August 21, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (41)

Comparative Adjectives
1a. what do you know about cars? Think of an example for the following.
·         A fast car         a Ferrari.
·         An expensive---------.
·         A small car -----------.
·         A very comfortable car -------.
·         A very ugly car -----------.
·         An old car -------------.
·         An easy car to park -----.
1b. look at the adjectives in bold. Match them with their opposites in the box.
Cheap                         uncomfortable                          difficult new               slow        attractive      big
Fast-slow. ------------ ---      ---------------------          . ------------ ---  ---------------------          . ------------ ---  ---------------------           . ------------ ---  ---------------------          . ------------ ---  ---------
2. Read about Rachel and answer the following questions.
Rachel is a student. She wants to buy an old car to drive to University with her three friends. She want to spend about £ 1000, but she doesn’t know much about cars. She sees these two advertisements.

FOR SALE- 1996- white- Toyota Corolla
£-750 –phone 543 8799

FOR SALE – 1991- Toyota MR2-dark blue- very good condation-£ 1300- phone 566 4635

a) what does she want to buy? Why?
b) How much does she want to spend?
3. look at the advertisements and the pictures. Which of these sentences are true?
a.       The MR2 id older than the Corolla.
b.      The Corolla is bigger than the MR2.
c.       The MR2 is more expensive than the corolla.
d.      The Corolla is easier to park than the MR2.
e.       The MR2 is better for Rachel than the Corolla.

Grammar: Comparatives
1. Complete the gaps in the comparative sentences.
a) The MR2 is older ----------- the Corolla.
b) The MR2 is --------- expensive ------------- the Corolla.

2. look at these three types of comparatives.

a) One syllable: old –older
b) Two syllables ending in –y: easy-easier
c) Two ( or more) syllables:  expensive- more expensive

3. Irregular comparatives:
Good –better,  
Bad - worse

4. Compare the cars.
a) The Corolla is (slow) the MR2.
The Corolla is slower than MR2.
b) The Corolla is cheap the MR2.
c) The MR2 is (small) the Corolla.
d) The MR2 is (attractive) the Corolla.
e) The Corolla is (difficult to park)theMR2.
f) The MR2 is (in good condition) the Corolla.
g) The Corolla is (in bad condition) the MR2.

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