Wednesday, August 20, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (40)

Arranging a night out at the cinema

A: Tara, do you want to go out tomorrow night?
B:Okay, but I haven't got much money.

A:Well, let's go to the cinema! what's on, do you know?
B:There's an old Star Wars film-Why don't we go and see that?

A: Mmm, I don't really like that sort of thing. How about the new Johnny Depp film? My sister saw it last weekend and she thought it was really good.
B:Yeah, great. I love Johnny Depp!'What time is it on? Have you got a newspaper?

A:Yeah, here. Erm, let'see. It' on at either 7.30 or 9.30 What do you think?
B:Well, why don't we have a drink first, then go at 9.30?

A:Okay, that's a good idea. Where do you want to meet for a drink?
B: How about Macy's? It's near the cinema. Let's meet at about 8.00. Is that okay for you?

A: 8.00. Yeah, perfect.

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