Friday, August 29, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (51)

Grammar points
1. There are many two-word questions with how, what and which. Match the question words to the answers.
a) How far ---- is it to your home?                                             Los Angeles.
b) How tall ---- is your house?                                                   Every day.
c) How often ---- do you have a shower?                                   Lions.
d) How long ----does the  journey take?                                    Ten metres.
e) How fast ----- can you drive in the city centre?                      Fifty kklometres.
f) Which city --- is bigger  - NY or LA?                                     Ten kilometres.
g) Which animals ------ are stronger – lion or pumar?                 Rock and pop.
h) what kinds of music ---- do you like?                                      Three hours.

2. Do you remember? Choose the correct altermative.
We use: How many with countable/ uncountable nouns.
              How much with countable /uncountable nouns.

3. We use what when there are a large number of possible answers.
What is the population of China?
We use which when there are only a few possible answers.
Which continent has no active volcanoes?

Practice: 1. Choose the correct question word.
a) which/what do kangaroos eat?
b) How much/ How many water do people need to drink every day?
c) What/Which do you like best, dogs or cats?
d) How much/how many pets have you got?
e) How much/ How long do elephants usually live?
f) How far/How often do you need to feed a baby?
g) How long/ How fast does the average person walk?
h) How far/ How many can you swim?
i) How long often do you go swimming?
j) Which/What is your dog’s name?

2. Complete the questions with the words in the box.
How far                         How fast                              How many                      (x2) How much(X2) How old                        How tall                              What (X2)

1.--------------------- is the speed limit on motorways in your country?
2. --------------------- can you drive in town centres?
3. --------------------- if the population of your country, approximately?
4. --------------------- people live in your town?
5. --------------------- is the average woman?
6. --------------------- does the average man weigh?
7. -------------------- is your city from the coast?
8. -------------------- students are there in your school, approximately?
9. -------------------- approximately, is your home?
10. ------------------- does the average person earn in your country?
Video queations
Watch the DVD and then answer the following questions.
1. Can elephants swim?
2. How much do gorillas eat every day?
3. How fast can a cheetah run?
4. What can some Lizard do?
5. Why don’t Lankan blue whalea migrate?
6. Which can strike faster – a mongoose or a cobra?
7. What can chameleons do?

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