Friday, August 29, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (50)

Animal and Natural features
1.a)  look at the picture the below. Label eatch word with a letter: L, G or C
(L= Living things/ amimal), (G=Geographical features) or (C= Cosmic bodies).
A bird                                                             a mountain                                      a river
An insect                                                        a human being                                 the earth
A chimpanzee                                                 a elephant                                        the moon
A volcano                                                        a lake                                               the kangaroo
A snail                                                             a donkey                                          a dolphin

b) Can you think of some more examples for each category?

Did you know----?
a) You share your birth day with around eighteen million other people in the world.
b) Snails can sleep for up to three years.
c) Donkeys kill more people in the work every years than plane crashes.
d) The Arctic Tern, a bird that lives in North America and the Arctic, flies to the Antarctic every year a journey of about forty thousand kilometers.
e) There are at least ten thousand billion ants in the word, but only about six and a half billion human beings. That means there are around one thousand five hundred ants for every human beings.
f) The earth rotates at around one thousand five hundred kilimerets per hour.
g) Because of the Earth’s rotation, you can throw a ball further if you throw it west.
h) Elephant can’t jump, pig can’t look up in the sky and kangaroos can’t walk backwards.
i) A frica is the only continent in the word that doesn’t have an active volcano.
j) Dogs can’t see colours. Guide dogs watch the traffic to see when it is safe to cross – they can’t see the difference between red and green traffic lighrs.
k) Chimpanzees can’t speak but they can learn sing language. Some chimps learn up to two hundred and forty different sings.
l) About ten per cent of people in the world are left-handed. Studies show that dogs and cats also prefer to use right or left paws. So check if you have a right or a left-handed pet.
m) The average person eats around 8 kilos of during their life time. this is because of badly washed fruit and vegetables.

Can and can’t (for ability)
1. We use can to say we are able to do some thing .
Peter can speak Grammar very well.
2. We use can’t say we are not able to do something.
My dog can’t walk at the moment.
a) We do not add an‘s’ with the he/she/it form.
He can speak Turkish.                                       NOT: He can speaks Turkish.
b) We always use the base form after can.
She can dance sala.                                            NOT: She can dances sala.
c) We do not use do or does to make the question form.
Can you play tennic?                                          NOT: Do you can play tennis?
1. Underline three facts in the text that you about animals’ abilities.
2. Complete the gaps with can or can’t.
+ Chimpanzees -------------read ding languages.
-  Elephants -------- jump.
3. Make at least six sentences that you know are true using words from each of the boxes and can and can’t.
Champinzee                                            kangaroos                      elephants                  ants dolphins                                  dogs                           parrots                            newborn        babies

Fly                                    jump (hight)                 swim               talk                           run fast                                                                                                see colours            walk                 climb trees                  carry heavy               things

Dogs can’t see colours.

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