Monday, August 4, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (19)

Asking politely
1.Look at the five conversitions in the café. Match the first lines of eatch to the pictures. Then listen and cheak.
1. Execuse me. I’d like the bill, please.
2. Do you want to milk?
3. Excuse me, I’d like three lemonades, please.
4. I’d like one of those, please.
5. Do you want a drink?

A) ----------
that’s a good idea!

B) --------------
Anything else?
No, think yiu.

C) -------------
No, thanks. I’m fine.

The chocolate ones?
Yes, please.

E) ----------------
Of course, sir. Just a minute.

1 listen to the sentences from exercise 1. Notice how the spakers use intonation to sound polite. Excuse me. I’d the bill, please. Do you want milk?
2.Practice the sentences, copying the intonation.
2. work in pairs. Practice the conversations.
3. Imagine you are in café. Take turn to ask and answer politely, using the ideas below.
Tell the waiter you want: Ask your partner wants:
• An ice cream
• Another drink
• More milk
• A clean spoon
• Sugar
• Another coffee
• A sandwich
• A tissue

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