Monday, August 4, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (18)

Fine me a friend ( part2:A)
Useful language: Asking for imformation
Where is------from?
How old is ----?
Is ----- a student?
What does -----like?
What languages does-----speak?






1.      Fill in the table using the text below. Then ask your partner questions to find out about Marina and Joao. Complete the rest of the table.
My name’s pater and I come from Singapore. I’m twenty-six years old and I’m hotel receptionist. I speak two languages English and Mandarin Chinese. My interests are writing and listing to music, playing softball, going to movies and going out with my friends, I also like cooking and I want to make friends all over work.
Hello! My name’s Sofia and I come from Santader,a town in the north of spain. I’m twenty-two years old and I also studo music ( at University og Santander) and play the guitar- the Spanish classical guitar. I speak French as well as English ( and Spanish, of course!) and love foodball and tennis. I love going to the cinema and going out with my friends. I love all animals, especially cats. We’ve got five! I hope you write back!
Hi, my name’s Marina and I come from Tachov in the Czechrepublic. It’s a tow in the west of the country. I speak Czech and English. I’m eighteen years old and I study engineering at university here. I am interested in all types of sport, especially hockey and basketball. I also love reading and computers and I love dog- my fimily have four. Please write back!
Hi, my name’s Joao and I come from Bela Horizonte in the south of Brazil. I’m twenty-five years old and I’m at university. I’m studying languages at university. I speak Portugues (of course) and also English and spinish. I love rock music, but I don’t like to classical music.I’m also very interested in sport. I play tennis every day.I want to talk to people from all over the world to learn more about their culture.
2.      Who is the best e-mail friend for Tereas? Use the Useful Language box below to help you.

Useful language: discussing
I thank….. is best because ( he likes music, too.)       I agree,/ I don’t agree.
 May be….
 Yes, but…..
……isn’t good because ( he doesn’t like classical music).

Find an e-mail friend
Fine me a

Hi! My name’s Teresa and I’am from Cork, acity in Ireland. I’m a music student at the university here, and I’m twenty-one years old.

I love all types of music, of course! I like both writing and plying. I play piano and guitar and write songs, too. I also like going to the cinema, reading, theinternet, dogs, driving my car, going out with my friends, travelling, spesking  Spainish.( I study Spanish at university, too)

I hate football ( and all types of sport), spiders, cats, eating meat and doing nothing!

I have writing and receiving e-mails and I want to make friends all over the world. Please write!

Teresa want to find friends from other countries. Read what she writes abour herself on the internet. Answer the questions.
A)    Where if Theresa from?
B)    Is she a student?
C)    How old is she?
D)     Does she like music?
E)     Does she enjoy reading?
F)     What does she hate?

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