Thursday, August 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (32)

Tim Berners-Lee
Who is he?
1) Read the text below and discuss.
Tim Berners-Lee looks very ordinary. He’s about fifty years old and has brown hair. He was born in England but now lives in Massachusetts in the USA. But in 1989 Tim had a very important idea. He invented the world wide web (www). Tim went to school in London. Both his parents worked with computers so it isn’t surprising that he loved computers from an early age. When he was eighteen , he left school and went to Oxford University where he studied physics. At Oxford, he became more and more interested in computers, and he made his first computer from an old television. He graduated in 1976 and got a job with a computer company in Dorset, England. In 1989, he went to work  in Switzerland where he first had the ida of an international information network linked by computer. He decided to make his ideas free to every one- that is why today we do not pay ti use the internet.
In 1994 he went to live in the United States where he now works. In 1995 he wrote an article in the New York Times where he said, ‘The web is a universe of information and it is for everyone.’ Today his idea of a web, were people from all over the world can exchange information, is real.

2) Fill in the fact file below.
Tim Berners-: fact file
His important idea

Place of birth

Place(s) of study

Place(s) of work

Personal details

Now live in

Writing about Tim
Use the prompts to make sentences about Tim Berners-lee.
a) born/England
he was born in England.
b) go to school/London
 c) when/18/go to Oxford university
d) at University/ become/ interested in computer.
e) make/ his first computer from a television
 f) graduate/ 1976
g) get a job/ computer company/ England
h) go/ Switzerland/1989

Who really invented the telephone and radio?

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb form.
Many schoolchildren learn that the Scotsman Alexander Graham Bell ---------------(invente) the telephone in 1876. But the real inventor -----------(be) Antonio Meucci, a poor Italian Ameriacan. He --------------- (share) a workshop with Bell in the 1860s, and ---------- (make) a ‘talking telegraph’ for his wife who was ill in bed, so that she -------- (can) call him when she ----------------- (want) something. But Meucci never ----------- (take) his idea to the US patient office, because he was too poor to pay $250 that he-------(need) . so on February 14th 1876 Alexander Graham Bell ------------- (take) the invention to Patent Office instead. Just two hours later another  inventor, Elisha Gray --------- (arrive) with the same idea –too late.

At the time nobody --------------( belive) that the telephone was an important invention. Bell’s father-in-law, also a scientist,-------------- (describe) the invention as ‘ a beautiful toy.’ And it was 2002 before the US congress ----------(decide) that Meucci was the true inventor of the telephone!
But everyone knows that the Italian Marconi---------------( invente) the readio , right? Wrong. Actually, Guglielmo ---------------( steal) his great idea fron Nikola Tesla, a Croatian scientist. Tesla --------------- (write) an article in 1989 and in it he ------------- (describe) his important new invention-radio.
But just two years later, Marconi ------------( take) the idea to the US patent office and soon ----------- (begin) to sell it. in 1909 he even --------------- (win) a noble prize for his invention.
In 1943 Nikola Tesla---------- (die) in New York, a poor man. That year, the US Congress ------ (‘decide) that Nikola Tesla was  ‘ the true father of radio.’

Listening –A true story
1. You are going to hear a true story abuot David Platonoff’s Ruddian grandmother. Look at the photos.
a)  which country do you think they show and which period?
b) What kinds of life do you think Davic’s grandmother has in Russia?
2) read the sentences below. Then listen and mark the statenents true(Â) of false (â).
Part 1
1.Davaid’s grandparents met in Moscow.
2. His grandmother ‘s family were rich.
3. His grandmother was a servent girl.
4. The family came to London during the first World war.
5. When they arrived in London, they decided they had too many servants.

Part 2
1. The family took David’s grandmother for a walk in the centre of London.
2. They told her to wait for them and then went away.
3. They never came back.
4. His grandmother was twenty years old.
5. She spoke good English.

Part 3
1. Some people found her.
2. They  tool he to Russian community in east London.
3. There she met David’s grandfather.
4. He was eighteen years old.
5. They got married and had three children.

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