Thursday, August 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (31)

legends in their time
1.John F.kennedy  was president of the United State in:
a) the 1950s                 b)1960s                      c)1970s
2. The scientist Marie Curie ------- born in:
a) Paris                        b)Warsaw                    c) Geneva
3. Laurel and Hardy -----------:
a) singers                     b) businessmen           c) comedians
4. The Beatles --------- originally from:
a) London                   b) Manchester             c) liverpool
5. The composer Beethoven-------:
a) blind                        b) deaf                         d) both
6. The Chinese communist leader MaoZeDong------- born in:
a) 1793                        b)1893                         c) 1993
7. Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Chekhov ---------------:
a) Russian composers  b) Russian writes  c) Russian ballet dancers
8.Galileo ---------------:
a) an Italian scientist  b) an Italian opera  c) a great Italian footballer
& mathematician      singer

Past simple: was and were

Positive from
was at home.
were at home.
Negative from
I/he/she/it wasn’t(= was not)
You/we/they weren’t(=were not)
at school.
at school.
Question form
Was I/he/she/it
Were you/we/ they
Short answers
Yes, I/he/she/it was.
Yes, you/we/they were.
No, he/she/it wasn’t.
No, you/we/they weren’t.

Remember: I was born in 1985. NOT: I born in 1985 OR I was borned in 1985.

1. Listen to the tape to help you fill in the missing parts of the sentence.
a) He-----  ---------- in New York.
b) Where ------ you -----------?
c) He -----  --------------------- .
d) They ---------- from -------.
e) --------   --------- happy.
f) ---------  --------- very ------ .
g) You -----  --------- .
h) ------  -------------- in.
i) They ------- ------- .
j) --------------    -------- ready.
2. complete the question with was or were. Then ask and answer the questions.
a) Where ---------- your parents born?
b) How old ------- your parents when you ----------- born?
c) Where ----------- you born- at home or in hospital.
d) what time of day ------- you born?
e) what day of the week -----you born on ?
f) what ---------- your favourite food when you ------ young?
g) Who -------- your best friend when you ------- young?
h) What ---------- the name of your first teacher at school?
i) -------- you frightened of anything when you ------- a small child?

Regular and irregular verb forms
1) Regular verbs
Usually we add-ed to the verb:
I/you/he/she/they/we/it worked, wanted, finished, listened, watched, played.

Other spellingrules:
Ends in – (live)
She lived in France.
Ends in a consonant +
Vowel+consonant (stop).
Double the final consonant. (unless ends in w x y)
He stopped work at 5:30
Ends in consonant plus-y (study).
Change y to ied
I studied economics.

2) Irregular verbs
Many common verbs have an irregular past form:
Go-went, have-had, meet-met, know-knew,
We use the past simple to talk a bout:

a) a finished single action in the past.
My parents met in 1960.
The film stared at 7:30.

b) a finished state in the past:

Kate had a happy childhood.
We lived in a small city.

c) a repeated action in the past:

She always telephoned me on Sunday.
They went swimming every day.

When we use the past simple, we often say the time of the action: in 1960 at 7:30, on Monday.

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