Monday, August 4, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (17)

Activity Verbs
1.      Write the verbs in the small boxes below.
Play          listen  to           write                            watch             have                  do

                  a newspaper




                to school


                        Visit friends


                                The radio

                                The radio

                              a meal

2.      Look at the words below. Wrte them next to the correct verbs above.
Shopping                amagazine         the cinema         an e-mail                  the guiter
                   CDs a              video            computer games                    a restaurant

a shower           your relatives                                                            your homework

 Adverbs of Frequency
We use frequency adverbs and the present simple to say how often we do something.
a)      We usually put the adverb before the verb.
My children sometime watch a video on Sunday evening.
Nicolas never goes to school on Saturday.
I don’t usually like pasta.
b)      We put the adverb after the verb be.
English people are usually very friendly.
The winters are sometimes very cold.
The weather isn’t always good,
I’m not often home in the evening.

1.      In your book , write sentences about something----
*……. You never do.
*……. You sometimes do in the evening.
*…… You often do at the weekend.
*…… You usually do in the morning.
*…… You always do on a Sunday.
2. Work in pair. Ask and answer the questions below.
How often do you……
………….read poetry?
………….go to concept?
………….visit realitives at the weekend?
………….listen to the radio at night?
………….go swimming in the sea?
………….play cricket?
………….read computer magazine?
………….do your homework on the bus?
………….go to school?
………….go to the cinema?

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