Wednesday, August 6, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (21)

People in most countries drive on the right-but people drive on the left in ----- countries, incluing japan, India, Australia, and Britain.
In the USA------- people in every thousand drive a car. In Japan, it’s 640 and in Germany it’s 570. More than ---------------- people in the world ride a bicycle.
In Tokyo, people never wait for more than--- minutes for an underground train. The only problem is it’s often difficult to get on or off a train because they’re so crowded.
------- people fly to Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta, USA every year! (That’s about one hundred and fifty people every minute!)
In China, the 30km journey from Shanghai city centre to Pudong, Airport takes only ------- minues on the new Magnetic levitation (MagLev) train.
Most people in Moscow go to work by underground. The Moscow metro has 168 stations about----------- passengers every day. The stations in the city centre are very beautiful.
Everyday more than -------- people travel into the centre of London. About 20% drive, 77 take the train or the bus, and only------- % walk to work.
In Italy, a country of 57 million people, 9 million people have scooters. In Rome ------- people ride scooter so they can travel fast in the city traffic.

1,000,000(one million)          100,000,000 (one hundred million)                   8 9,000,000
3             59                      77,000,000         5            740           500,000 ( five hundred thousand)

Look back at the text and choose the correct words to go toghter.
1)      Drive/ride/ a car.
2)      Drive/ride/ a bicycle.
3)      Wait/ wait for a train.
4)      Get on/ in a train.
5)      Get off/ out a train.
6)      Fly in/ to Atlanta.
7)      Go with/ by underground.
8)      Walk to/in work.
9)      Take /go a train or abus.

Most, a lot of, some, not many.

Most                people  drive to work
A lot of
Not many
Which sentences are true for your country? Correct the false ones. Then compare with other students.
a)      Most people drive Mercedes cars.------------------------------------------
b)      People wait in a queue to get the bus --------------------------------------
c)      A lot of people fly from Kandy to Colombo. -----------------------------
d)     Not many people walk to the shops. ---------------------------------------
e)      A lot of people ride bicycles to work. -------------------------------------
f)       There is some traffic in Colombo. -----------------------------------------
1)      Complete the gap s with can, can’t (cannot).
(+) She------------- take the bus at twenty past three.
(-) She-------------- take a taxi because she only has $ 25.
(?) ----------------- she take the subway to the airport.
(2) Gina is asking about things you can and can’t do in New York.

Listen and mark the sentences----
 = if you can do this.
â= if you can’t.
? = if it depends.
a)      Travel by tram.
b)      Smoke in the subway.
c)      Eat on the train.
d)     Find a taxi easily.
e)      Have five people in a taxi.
f)       Drive at sixty kilometres an hour.
g)      Ride a bicycle safely.
h)      Eat in a restaurant ar midnight.
i)        Smoke in a restaurant.

3) Ask and answer questions about your own city.
Can you taavel by tram in Colombo?
No, you can’t.
Can you find a trishaw easily?
Yes, you can.
4)  write eight sentences about things you can and can’t do in your city.
At the Airport
1.      Karen is at JFK Airport. Look at her travel itinerary and answer the questions.
a)      What times are her flights?
b)      Which airport do they go to?
c)      What are the flight numbers?

Travel itinerary Ms Karen Davis
Sun 02 nov
Flight 1’
AA 100
Check in by 16.30  American Airline desk
Scheduled departure: 18.30 JFK
Scheduled arrival: 07.25 london Hesthrow (LHR) Terminal X
Mon 03
Flight 2
Check in by 08.00 British Airway desk
Scheduled departure: 09:35 (LHR)
Scheduled arrival: 12:30  Malpensa  (MXP) Terminal 1
Match the phrases in A with the meanings in B.
A                     B
a) in transit      1) is late
b) check in       2) go to
c) boarding      3) changing from
d) is delayed   4) final call
e) last call        5) show your ticket and passport at a desk
f) proceed to   6) getting on ( a plane)
3a) listen to the recording and answer the following questions.
1)      Where does Karen check in ?
2)      What is the problem with her flight?
3)       What is the gate number for her flight?
4)      At Heathro airport, where does Karen go?
5)       What is her gate number?

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