Wednesday, August 6, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (22)

You can take a taxi but it is often slow because of the traffic. The journey takes about an hour and costs $35
And also a tip of 15-20% for the driver!)

You can take a subway ( the a train ) to Howard beach JFK station and then a bus to the airport terminal, a journey of  about 90 minutes. The subway cost $2 and the bus is free.
You can walk trough  Central park ot the Museum of Natural History (about twenty minutes) from there, you can take the subway to Howard Beach-JFK station ($2) and then an AirTrain to JFK Airport station ($5). It takes about an hour on the subway and another travel mintues on the Airtrain.
You can take the subway to Grand Central station. It takes fivthe minutes and cost $2. From there you can take the NewYork Airport express bus. The journey takes about an hour and cost $13. In the afternoon, the buses leave every twenty minutes at three O’clock, twenty past three, twenty to four, etc.

Type(s) of transport
Time(in hours/minutes)
1 Taxi

2 subway+bus

3 subway+train

4 Subway+bus

Read about the four ways to get to JFK Airport and complete the table.

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