Thursday, August 7, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (23)

1.      What are the capital cities of these countries?
a)      Demark     b) Turkey         c) the USA      d) Afghanistan

2.      What are these people’s jobs?
A-    Valdimair Putin                   b. Jackie Chan          d.JK Rowling.
3.      On which side of the road do people drive in these countries?
a)      Australia    b) the USA      c) the UK
4.      What are these picture of ?
-----Ant ------Snake ------ plain -------Coins
5.      Where are these cities?
a)      Male  b) Las Vegas c) Cairo d) Berlin
6.      In which cities/ countries are these buildings?
A)    Austrila     B) Bankkok of Thiland    c) Italy (ROMA)
Complete the gaps with a, an, the or –nothing.
a)      We’ve got a new car.
b)      He live in ---- apartment in ------ big city.
c)      ---------Mrs Wilson speaks to----Dr.Singh evey week.
d)     She’s ---------- teacher, but I’m -----artist.
e)      Paris is ----------capital city of ----------- Franch.
f)       My house is on ----- right. Look, there it is!
g)      I stayed in-------hotel in -----------Bankok, while I was in-------------Thiland.
h)      New York isn’t in-------------UK, It’s in ------------ USA.
i)        In -----------morning, I often read a newspaoer.
j)        My classes are from----- Monday to ----------Friday.
k)      I study hard at ------- School.
l)        Do you come to school by------ bus, by -------------car or on-----------foot.
Language Summary
1)      Indefinite articles
 We use a or an:
a)      With job I’m an artist.
b)      With a singular noun to mean ‘ one.’ we have a real problem.
c)      With these phrases. A lot of /a long time.
2)      Definite article
We use the:
a)      With time of day in the morning/ the evening (but at night)
b)      With these phrases. In the city centre/ on the right/left)
3)      Zero articles
We do not use a, an or the.
a)      With towns and cities  I’m from Boston.
b)      With most countries  Lyon is in france (but the United States, the United Kindom, the Czech Republic)
c)      With ‘by’ + a type of transport by bus/car/ train
d)     With time+days  at one o’ clock on Mondays
e)      With these phrases go to work/ at home/ most people

Practice : write the answer to these questions using a phrase with a\an, the or zero (no word)
1.      What’s your father’s job?
2.      What’s your mother’s job?
3.      Where do your parents live?
4.      How do you come to school?
5.      What other way can you travel to school if you want to?
6.      What day(s) do you usually do the house work?
7.      When do you usually watch TV?
8.      Which things do you usually carry in your bag?
9.      What is your favourite day of week? Why?
10.  What do you usually do in the morning, in the afternoon , in the afternoon and in the evening?

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