Thursday, August 7, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (24)

Tramsport Survey
A.    complete the gaps to make prper questions.
1.      How far-------------- do you walk every week?
·         0 to 5 kilometres---------------------
·         6 to 10 kilometres---------------------
·         11to 20 kilometres-----------------------
·          More than 20 kilometres----------------
2.      How often --------------travel by bus?
·         Many time a day -------------------
·         A few times a week-----------------
·         A few times a month-----------------
·         Never----------------------
3.      What do you think of the roads in Colombo?
·         Excellent ----------------
·         Good---------------------
·         Okay---------------------
·         Poor ---------------------
·         I don’t know-------------

4.      Do you ever take three-wheekers?
·         Often------------------------
·         Sometimes ----------------
·         Not very often -----------
·         Never ------------------------

5.      Can you ------------ a bicycle safely in Colonbo?
·         Yes, you can ----------------
·         No, you can’t----------------
·         You can in some areas -----

6--------------ride a motorbike?
·         often------------------------
·         sometime-------------------
·         not very often -------------
·         never ------------------------
7.---------------------usually travel when you go on holiday in Srilanka?

·         by plane ------------------------
·         by train------------------------
·          by  bus------------------------
·         By car------------------------
1.      Which of thesevtype of transport --------- like best?
·         Plane ------------------------
·         Boat ------------------------
·         Motorbike ------------------------
·         Bicycle ------------------------
·         Car ------------------------
B.     Go aroung the class and ask other students the survey questions. Record their responses using tally marks.
Practise using the phrase below to discuss the results of the survey.
Not many people----            like travelling ------                        by bicycle
Some people -------              travel by bus------                   many times a day
A lot of people ---------         sometimes ---                   take three wheelers.
Most people ------                 never-------                        ride  a motorbike.
Most people think----            you can’t------                  ride a bicycle safely.
A lot of people think------     the roads in Colombo are ----- good.

B-Buying a ticket
1)      Listen to the conversitions and answer the questions below.
Conversation 1
Conversation 2
a)      Where does the person want to go?

b)      Does he/she want a single or a return ticket?

c)      What time is the next train?

d)     Which platform is it?

e)      What time does it arrive?

2)      Read the imformation below and answer your partner’s queations.
You are a ticket clerk. It is 11:30 in the morming. You have information about trains to Glasgow in Scotland from London: the next train is at 12: and it arrives in Glasgow at 5:30. It costs £33  for asingle ticket and £55 for a return. It leaves from platform 5.

3)      Now read the imformation below and ask your partner questions to find the information you need.
You are a customer. It is 9:30in the morning and you are in Brighton, in the South of England. You want to go to London for the day and come back in the evening. You would like to know the cost, the time of the train, the platform number and the arrival time.

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