Thursday, August 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (30)

Module 6 Test
1) food and drink
Complete the food and drink words.
a)c e r e a l
b) b – t - -r
c) t - -s t
d) f r - - t
e) b – s c - - t s
f) o r - - - e j - - c –
g) v – g - - - - - e s
h) y – g - - - t
i) n - - d l - -

2) there is / isn’t/ are/ aren’t.
Write true sentences about your classroom using There is/ isn’t or There are/ aren’t.
a) There is a whiteboard at the front of the class.
b) ------------- some pens.
c) ------------ some paper.
d) ----------- a blackboard at the front of the class.
e) ----------- any crowns in the classroom.
f)------------any fruit in the classroom.

3) some and any
Complete the sentences with some or any.
a) Are there any Mexicant students in your class?
b) I’d like --------- water, please.
c) I haven’t got -------brothers or sisters.
d) I’ve got ----------- e-mails from my students.
e) I’m sorry but there isn’t --------- milk.
f) Are there -------- films on TV tonight.)
 4) How much and how many.
Underline the correct altermative.
a) How many/ much brothers and sisters have you got?
b) How many/ much students is/ are there in your class?
c) How many/ much money have you got with you today?
d) How many/ much languages can you speaks?
e) How many/ much football do you watch on TV every week?
f) How many/ much homework is/ are there tonight?

5) Ordering food and drink.
Put these sentences in the correct order.
a) ready/order/ you/ Are/ to?  Are you ready to order?
b) soup/can/Yes/some/have/chicken/please/I?
c) else/ anything?
d) sandwich/I’d/like/Yes/cheese/a.
e) drink/you/Would/ to/ like/anything?
f) please/mineral water,/ A.

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