Wednesday, August 20, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (39)

flushed away
Red the following statements and mark them true (Â) or false (â). If they are false, rewrite the sentence.
1. The family left the house and went on holiday.
2. The mouse's name is Roddy.
3. He played football.
4. He wore a yellow suit.
5. He watched a movie.
6. Robby heard a noise during the night, so he went downstairs to investigate what it was.
7. He wasn't frightened.
8. Sid wasn't from the sewer.
9. Sid pushed Roddy into a jacuzzi.
10. Roddy was flushed away.
11. Roddy was happy in the sewer.
12. He met a slung.

Complete the questions below, then discuss the answers in pairs.
1. What ----- the names of the two main characters?
2. When---- the family leave?
3. ---- he happy when they left?
4. What ----he do when they left?
5. --- Roddy frightened when he first met Sid?
6.----Roddy play football?
7.----you enjoy them film clip?

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