Sunday, September 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (65)

Keeping in touch
1a. put these ways of communicating in order from the oldest (1) to the newest (8). Compare answers in pairs but do not read the text.
Email               the telephone              the typewriter                            the postage stamp                            text messages                   pen and paper      the fax machine                                    Facebook
Check your answer by reading the text below.
Getting in touch tough the ages
1. Nobody knows who wrote the first letter or when, but we know that 4,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt people carried letters by hand hundreds of kilometres. Very few people could write, so there were special people, called scribes, who wrote letters for everyone eles.
2. In those days you don’t need to a stamp. The first stamp didn’t appear until 1840 and it cold one penny. Nowadays one of these original stamp cost €375. Letter written was so popular in the 1840s that they delivered the post several times a day!
3. An American company-Remington and Sons-made the first typewriter in 1871. All the letter in the world ‘typewriter’ were on the top line of the keyboard so that salesmen could demonstrate the machine more easily. Amazingly, the letter are still in the same place on the modern computer keyboard!
4. In 1876, when Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated a fantastic new invention called the telephone, nobody was very interested in it. The first fax machine appeared about the same time, but it was so enormous that no one wanted one-in fact fax machines didn’t become popular for another hundred years.
5. Then there was the walkie-talkie, a small two-way radio first used by US army in the 1930s. However, since they weight around 13.5 kilos, the talking was perhaps easier than the walking! After world war Two they became popular with police offices. Before that they had to use whistles to call for help! 
6.We can send text messages and pictures around the world  using computers and  mobile phones. It’s hard to believe that  e-mail was only invented in 1971, and the first text message was sent in 1992, today we send over a billion text messages around theworld every single day, and an incredible thirty-six billion e-mails!
7. Facebook is a social networking service launched in February 2012, Facebook had one billion active users, more than half of them using Facebook on a mobile device(Smartphones,Tablets,etc).Users can create a personal profile, add other user as your friends, exchange messages and chat online.
2. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

a) How did people deliver letters in Ancient Egypt?
b) How much did the first stamp cost?
c) How often did they deliver letters in Egypt?
d) How are the letters arranged on a modern computer keyboard?
e) When did the first fax machine appear?
f) why was it difficult to walk with the first walkie-talkies?
g) When was the first text message?
h) How many e-mails do we send every day?
i) How many users did Facebook have in September 2012?
3. What do the pronouns in bold refer to?
a) it cast just one penny (paragraph 2).
b) nobody was very interested in it (paragraph 4).
c) it was so enormous that no one wanted one (paragraph 4).
d) after World war Two they became popular witn police officers ( paragraph5).
1. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences by using the phrases from the whiteboard.
Ways of communication.
1. Work in pairs. Complete the sentences by using the phrases from the whiteboard.
a) if you need to contact someone urgently, you can --------
b) The cheaper way to keep in touch is to------
c) if you need to fine some information quickly, you can-----
d) if the person you call doesn’t answer, you can-----
e) 100 years ago if people wanted to communicate, with each other, they----
f) if you want to wish someone happy birthday, you can------
g) if you’re on holiday and want to contact your friends, you can ----
h) if you go out and you want to leave a message for someone at home, you can ----
i) if you want to say thank you for a meal or present, you can -----
j) if you’re bore and can’t think of anything to do, you can ------
k) When you come home, you play your answering machine to-----
Real life: Telephoning
1a) Jane wants to make four telephone calls. Look at her list and write the correct order.
-----Julia at Thompson Travel about plane tickets                   --- Paul about tomorrow night
-----Dad about Mum’s birthday present                                  --- Tania to tell her about the tickets
b) Listen and number the calls in the order you hear them.
c) Did she speak to everyone on her list? If not, what did she do /is she going to do?
2. Listen again and complete the sentences.
Conversation 1
a) Hello,------------------------ Paul, please?
b) Sorry, ---------------------.
c) Do you know when ----------------------?

Conversation 2
d) Hello, ----------------Jane Hancock. -----------------------flight tickets.

Conversation 3
e) This is Tania Shaw. Sorry, ------------------ \
f) please -----------------
g) Hi, it’s Jane here. ------------------ back ?
Conversation 4
h) hello Mum, ----------------------------. Is ------------------------?
i) can you---------------------?

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