Sunday, September 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (66)

Listen and repeat, copying the polite intonation.
Hello, can I speak to Paul, please?                  Speaking.
Is that Julia?                                                    Sorry, he’s not here.
Can you call me back?                                    Yes, of course.
Is Das there?                                                  
Can you ask him to call me?
4a) You phone your friend, Ravi. His sister, Lakshmi, answer. Complete the telephone call.
Lakshmi: Hello?
Lakshmi: I’m not sure if he’s in---- just minute. Ravi!!! Sorry he’s not here. he’s probably still at collage. He’s usually here after four o’clock.
You: -------------------------------

Lakshmi: Okay, what’s your number?
You: -------------------.
Lakshmi: Okay, I’ll tell him.
You: ------------------.
Lakshmi: Bye
b) You call your friend, Dulan, but you hear an answering machine message. complete the telephone call.
Dulan: Hello, this is Dulan speaking. I’m afraid I’m not here at moment, but if you’d like to leave a message, please speak after the tone.(BEEP).
You: ---------------------------------------
1. How often do you use your mobile?
a) I use it all the time –to call
People. to take photos, for the internet. It’s an essential part of my life.
b) I use it a lot, It’s main way I keep in touch with people.
c) I use it for important calls when I’m out. But that’s all.
d) I don’t have one.
2. How do you feel about the phone?
a) I   really hate calling people. I wait for them to call me.
b) My phone calls are short. I just say what I need to say.
c) if I’m not busy, I enjoy long phone chats with my friends.
d) I love my phone. I spend hours every day chatting- I couldn’t live without it!
3. How do you feel about computers?
a) I love them. I spend a lot of my free time on the computer. It’s my favourite way to relax.
b) They’re really useful in my job/ studies.etc. but I’m not really interested in them.
c) I use a computer sometimes but I don’t like them.
d) I’m a bit frightened of computers. I don’t know how to use one.
4. what do you think about e-mail?
a) it’s a fantastic way of keeping in touch with people you don’t see very often.
b) It’s better than phoning because you don’t need to talk to the other person.
c) It’s okay for some situations, but with friends, I prefer to phone.
d) I never use it.
5. How often do you use chat rooms on the internet?
a) all the time. I love them!
b) Quite often.
c) I go into them sometimes, but I’m not very interested really.
d) I’ve never been in a chat room.
6. A new mobile/computer with lots of new features appears in the shops. How do you feel?
a) Excited-I want one --- now!
b) I’ll wait and see what other people say about them.
c) Oh, no! Not something new to learn about!
d) I don’t pay any attention, I’m not interested.
7. How do you keep in touch with your friends? Put these in order of most to last important.
a) texting         c) e-mail
b) phone          d) letters
Useful Languages
a) Discussing your answers
I agree.
I’m the same.
I’m quite/completely different because---
Personally, I (love the phone).
b) Comparing
She uses(the Internet) a lot, but I never (use it).
She never (sends e-mails).
He loves/hates (new things)
He thinks(computers are boring), but (love them).
5. Answer the questions in the questionnaire.
6. Discuss your answer with a partner using the useful language above.
7. Tell the class about your partner and yourself. Use useful language b.

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