Sunday, September 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (68)

Verb   past simple     past participle            Verb   past simple     past participle
Be        was/were         been                 let        let                    let
Become became          become            lose      lost                  lost
Begin   began               begun              make    made               made
Bring   brought            brought            mean    meant              meant
Build   built                 built                 meet    met                  met
Buy     bought             bought             pay      paid                 paid
Catch   caught             caught                         put       put                   put
Choose chose              chosen             read     read                 read
Come   came                come                ring      rang                 rung
Cost     cost                  cost                  run       ran                   run
Cut      cut                   cut                   say       said                  said
Do       did       done                            see       saw                  seen
Draw   drew    drawn                          sell       sold                 sold
Drink   drank   drunk                           send     sent                  sent
Drive   drove   driven                          show    showed            showed
Eat       ate       eaten                            shut     shut                 shut
Fall      fell       fallen                           sit        sat                    sat
Feed    fed       fed                               sleep    slept                 slept
Feel     felt       felt                               speak   spoke               spoken
Fight    fought fought                         spend   spent                spent
Find     found  found                          stand   stood               stood
Fly       flew     flown                           steal     stole                 stolen
Forget  forgot forgotten                      swim    swam               swum
Get      got       got                               take     took                 taken
Give    gave     given                           teach    taught              taught
Go       went    gone/been                    tell       told                  told
Have    had      had                              think    thought            thought
Hear    heard   heard                           understand      understood      understood
Keep    kept     kept                             wake    woke                           woken
Know  knew   known                         wear    wore                            worn
Learn   laeaned/learnt  learned/learnt  win      won                             won
Leave  left       left                               write wrote                              written
5a) Put the questions into the correct form, Present perfect or past simple. Write the questions people below.
1 you/pass your driving test? When/ you/pass?
2. you/take any other exams recently? When/you take them?
3. you/eat in restaurant this week? When and where /you go? /be ill at all this year? When/you ill?
5. you /ever/be in hospital?
6. you/ever/go/ on a long fight? When and where /you go? to stay with friends recently? Who/you visit?
8. anyone you know/start a new job recently? When /they start?
b. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

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