Sunday, September 14, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (69)

Past simple
a) If we say exactly when an  action happen in the past, we cannot use the present perfect. We use the Past simple.
I tried to call you at about three o’clock.
I phoned her yesterday.
She was in bed all last weekend.
These words show that the action is finished.
b) We use the Past simple in questions with When.
When did it happen?
 3.Circle all past simple verbs in the e-mails in exercise1.
4. Underline the correct tense in the e-mails below.

Hi Mum and Dad !
A quick line to say we‘ve just arrived/just arrived at Pat and Dave’s and we’re safe and well, but very tires. The plane has finally landed/finally landed at nine o’clock yesterday evening after ten hours delay! We have stayed/stayed in ahotel in London last night, and have caught/caught the train to Cardiff at ten o’clock. Dave has just picked/just picked us up from the station.
See you soon.
C and M

Phil just wanted to say thanks for a great time last weekend- we have really enjoyed/really enjoyed ourselves. The food and company have been/were fantastic, and it has been was great to see all the family again.
Lucy has started/ started her new job this week, and josh has gone/ went
Take care and thanks again, speak soon,
All the best,
Present perfect
a) we use the present perfect with time periods that have not finish.
Have you spoken to Mum this week?
b) if we don’t say when something happened, we often use the present perfect, especially
with words like: Just recently ever never
I’ve just passed my driving test.
Have you ever been to Chez Ma?
I’ve never been there before.
Have you seen judy recently?
Remember: The verb go has two past participles: gone and been.
a) gone=but not returned
Anna’s gone shopping this morning (=she’s at the shops now, she hasn’t returned)
b)  been= gone and returned a gain
Anna’s been shopping this morning (=she went to the shops but she is back)
1. Read the e-mails below. Underline the present perfect verbs.
Hi Mike
Have you spoken to Mum this week? I phoned her yesterday snd she sounded realy ill.\, and apparently she was in bed all last weekend. I’m away on business until Thursday could you go round and check that everything’s okay? I’m a bit worried.
Hope you’re okay
Kaite ´´´

Hi Grace, I tried to call you at about three o’clock but you weren’t at your desk and your
voicemail wasn’t on. Do you want to come out for a meal to night? I’m celebrating because I’ve just passed my driving test. We’re going to Chez Max at 8.30. I ‘ve never been there before but everyone says it’s fantastic. I really hope you can come-let me know.
Roise ´´´
P.S I’ve just heard the news about you and Alex! Congratulations-When did it happen?
I want to know all the details!
2a) What do you think is the relationship between the two people?
b) Why are they sending the e-mail?

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