Wednesday, September 3, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (57)

1. planning a weekend away

Useful languages
Where to go
I’d like really to go to -----
It’s a long way/not too far.
It takes about two hours to get there.
How to tavel
We can fly.
What time shall we leave?
What time do we want to get home?
How shall we get there?
What to do
What can we do there?
Let’s visit the museum.
I’d like to -----.
Where to stay
Where shall we stay?
I’ll book a B&B. (at bed and breakfast)

2. Make a list of places you could visit on a weekend away.
3. Decide where you would like to go and consider:
·         How to travel
·         Where to stay
·         What do you there
·         When to leave/get home
4. talking your plans
Place: we’re going to ----- Kandy/bentota.
Transport: we’re going to travel by—bus/van.
Activities: we’re going to ---- visit the temple and museums/swim in the sea—
Accommodation: we’re going to stay in a ---hotel/gueshouse.
We’re going to leave Colombo at ---- 6pm on.
Duration: Friday ---- and comeback at --- 8pm on Sunday.
5. Can you remember verbs which go with each of these nouns?
a) watch television.
b) ----- economics.
d) ----- computer games.
d) ----- nothing.
e) ----- the radio.
f) ----- a new job.
g) ----- school.
h) ----- by underground.
i) ----- a parcel.
j) ----- a motorbike.
k) ----- to the airport.
l) ----- married.

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