Thursday, September 4, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (58)

Real life
Talk about the weather
1. a match the phrases and pictures.
It’s cloudy          it’s sunny           it’s windy
it’s snowing        it’s raining         it’s cold
it’s foggy            it’s hot                it’s wet
it’s warm            it’s cool               it’s icy 

Listen and check, then repeat.
2. a listen to Sumalee from Bangkok in Thailand and Cathy from Vancouver in Canada talking about the weather in their countries. Which of these statements are true?
1.      Thailand has three seasons.
2.      The cool season is April and May.
3.      The rainy season is from Jun to October.
4.      When it rains, it usually lasts for about four hours.
5.      Bangkok gets very hot in April.
6.      The coldest day are in December.
1.      In the north of Canada, there’s snow for around eight months of  the year.
2.      The winters in Vancouver are very bad.
3.      It’s often cloudy and wet in Vancouver in the winter, but it isn’t very cold.
4.      The summers in Vancouver aren’t very sunny and warm.
b. listen again and correct the statements that are false.
3. The graph below shows the average rainfall and temperature in Edinburgh, Scotland. Use the graph to help you complete the sentence below:
1.      The highest amount of rainfall is in --------.
2.      The driest month is ------------
3.      The hottest month is---------
4.      In the UK, winner includes the three coldest months of ------, -------- and -------.
5.      I think the  best time to visit Scotland is in ------------- because------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------.
Future walkabout
Future intentions: going to, would like to and want to
Find someone who -----
1. ---is going away for the weekend.

2.---wants to  stay at home this evening and watch TV

3.---is going to have a big party for his /her next birthday.

4.---would like to become a language teacher.

5. ---is going to a concert or a club in the next two weeks.

6. --- wants to go shopping this weekend.

7. --- is going out with some friends on Saturday night,

8. --- would you like to in an English-speaking country.

9. --- is going to visit friends or relatives.

10. --- would like to marry a famous film star.

11. --- is going to fly somewhere in the next three months.

12. --- wants to study English at this school next year.

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