Friday, September 5, 2014

English for the beginner elementary course (59)

Module 11&12 Test
1.Animala and Natural features: circle the odd one out.
a) a fish/a snail/ a dophin                    b) a mountain/a river/ a lake
c) an insect/an ant/ an elephant           d) the earth/a volcano/the moon
e) a donkey/ a cheetah/ a snail            f) a parrot/ a chimpanzee/ a crow
2. Can for ability: put the words in the correct order.
a) speak/I/ japanese/can           I can speak japanese.
b) Can’t drive/ you
c) very well/ can/she/ cook
d) you/They/understand can’t
e) but/I/can’t/dance/ can/ sing/I
3. Questions words: write a difference question word (or words) in each gap.
a) ----------- were you born?
b) ----------- do  you like best?
c) ----------- cousins have you got?
d) Q ----------- do you go to the hairdress’s? A: once a month.
e)Q ----------- is the station form here? A: It’s about 200m.
f)Q ----------- does it take you to come to school? A: about 30 minutes.
g) ----------- sugar do you take in your coffee?
4. saying quantities and big numbers: write the following in words.
a) 250,000 two hundred and fifty thousand
b) 20,000,000 -----------
c) 40 kph-----------
d) 99.9 -----------
e) 12m 30cm -----------
5. Articles: complete the conversation with a/an, the or (no word).
VIC: We --- great holiday. We stay in --- brilliant hotel.
ROB: Yeah? What kind of things did you do?
VIC: well --- hotel had --- swimming pool so we just relaxed there most days.
ZOE: Jo! There’s spider in --- bath.
JO: I can’t help you. I hate ---spiders.

Future intentions: put the missing world in the correct place in each sentence.
a) Lena^going to study law.
b) what  you  want to do tonight?
c) What you like for your birthday?
d) Miko wants visit us next month.
e) I would like to go for a long walk tomorrow.
f) Where you going on holiday?
g) I going out for a meal.
7. Going out and for a meal.
a) play                         football/ a game/swimming
b) do                a party/ shopping/ the housework
c) stay              at home/relatives/ in bed
d) have            a barbecue/a meal/the gym
e) go                school/ to an exhibition/ swimming
8. Suggestions and offers: put the words in the conversation into the correct order.
A: we/for/don’t/ go/a/Why/ walk?  Why don’t we go for a walk.
B: idea/Good.
We / Shall/ go/ where?
A: beach/about/How/the?
B: ring/Steve? Shall/OK,I ?
he/ to/ Maybe/ like/come/’d
A: and/’s / yeah /some/ take/let/food
B: make/Right,/sandwiches/’ll/some/I
9. The weather: write the missing letters to make weather words.
a) S - n - -        c)r - -n - -g                   e) c - - l            g) w - - m
b) f - g - y        d) s n - - - n g              f) c l -  -  - -      h) w - - d-

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